Sub-contractor Manual
The Sub-Contractors Manual is intended for use by Sub-Contractors. This guide outlines our requirements, conditions and expectations of contactors. You must also ensure that this document and its contents will be communicated and understood by all your employees and sub-contractors.
This Manual is not intended to replace the Samways Site Safety Management Plan, which is available for your inspection on site or, by request. A copy may be forwarded to you at the beginning of the project.
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 places a responsibility upon an employer to provide training to employees sufficient for them to do their jobs without risk to the health and safety of themselves and others. Within the system, safe work method statements should exist describing the aspects of the task that has to be done. They should have been read, understood and signed by employees before commencing work on our site.
As part of the contract conditions, sub-contractors and their employees are required to participate in a site-specific induction.
Please download the file here.