R U OK? DAY 2020

R U OK? DAY 2020

Today is R U OK? Day.

It’s a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life.

RUOK is an important question but there’s more to say after R U OK? Ask, then listen, encourage action, and check-in because a conversation could change a life. Learn what to say after R U OK? 💛 Learn what to say when listening with an open mind 💛 Learn what to say when encouraging action 💛 Learn what to say when checking in 💛 Learn how to continue a conversation that could change a life.

When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before they’re in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where we’re all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask